Tuesday, October 23, 2012

#1 Most Active Blog EU

Man.. this blog sucks, it sucks so much I wish I could just burn it and sacrifice it's ashes to the Gods of all that is Sacred and Holy. Nah, not really.. but it doesn't take a rocket scientist to notice that I have an issue with keeping this place active. Mainly because I hate talking to myself and most of it is already being done by the voices in my head; so frankly I see little to no use of writing it in some online diary, even though that's the foundation on which I made this blog. Screw it, we'll do it live!

What's New..?

Nothing, really.

I haven't watched an Anime in months and I don't know if it's because I'm too lazy to pick one up or too "occupied" with other stuff. I basically spent most of the time playing various games on Steam.. period. I do have to note that it's been 1,5 month since I'm actually back home because I was on vacation in the month(s) of August-September.

I didn't buy as much as last time when I went to Indonesia, but nevertheless my closet rose a bit on the geek-meter. Well, see for yourself..

It's a bit messy because "I haven't had time" to (re)organize it again, and it's a lot of stuff really. The only thing I disliked about the vacation is that I didn't get a chance to pick up the rest of the Black Rock Shooter Nendoroid set. But at least I got Kuroi/BRS and Black Gold Saw, my two favourites. You can't see Shooter  in the picture because she's hiding behind Saw-chan.

Future Plans..

I don't know what I'm going to do with this blog yet.. I might post something every once in a while if there's something worth nothing AND most importantly if I don't forget about it again.

As for certainties.. I'm going to say this: If we make it through this year's month of December.. specifically around the 20-22th day. Or let's just say if we make it to the year 2013 alive and well, I'll vow to once again to oil this machine and see if I can get certain things started. (No, I'm not superstitious.. I think. I'm just.. uhhhh.. open-minded.). Yes.

Until then.. here's a picture of a cute kitty I met on vacation.

~ Ja Ne

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

What.. 2012 Already..!?

Time goes too fast to notice all the small things in life.. so 2012, huh; the final year in which the world will come to an end. Speculation and superstition aside, let's wait and see cause I'm quite fascinated regardless of the outcome..


So I managed to finish Toaru Majutsu no Index.. both seasons. Actually, I finished watching this anime within a week or two from where I announced it which was in December - but hey. Can't say much about it, other than that it was quite entertaining but also infuriating because now I'm anxiously awaiting a third season for the open ending they gave me. I might write a brief review about it one of these days, when I feel like it (which might incline; never).

In other news..

I have become a part of what is by some people considered 'the cancer of the internet' for quite a while now. Don't think it takes much to know what I'm talking about here. But really, I can't grip all the controversy around this certain show/subject. There are grown men watching Cardcaptor Sakura and/or "insert girlish anime here" and you don't see people whining about that, do you.. so what's the difference - cause I can't see it. It just proves that when something is generally liked enough by a big audience, there's always going to be people hating on them. Haters gonna hate, 'nuff said.

Minecraft is now 20% Cooler!

Not really, but with the upcoming 1.2 patch/release, it's going to become a lot more fun once again - despite that it still lacks a lot of 'deco' content in my opinion. To prepare for this and get into the Minecraft mood, Jaruga and I have picked up an old project we once wanted to build in the game. Back then we never got any further beyond even laying the base because it was a lot of work without the creator mode and ability to open up a flat canvas. But now.. we do have those options! So behold the monstrosity we have managed to build so far in one and a half day (which includes 1 do-over because we failed hard in the beginning).

That's pretty much it.. The Hokage Wall, Building/Office and 4 Houses from Hokage Street. It's going to be a really big project this time, because we will not only build the Hidden Leaf Village, but the rest of the villages as well. Time will tell what comes out of this, but I think it looks pretty good so far and we're a first for trying to build it as accurate as can be.

A full review progress report will be posted or uploaded to either my YouTube channel or our Animeshin blog - but we'll have see what works out best.

And that's all for now..

~ Ja Ne