Tuesday, October 23, 2012

#1 Most Active Blog EU

Man.. this blog sucks, it sucks so much I wish I could just burn it and sacrifice it's ashes to the Gods of all that is Sacred and Holy. Nah, not really.. but it doesn't take a rocket scientist to notice that I have an issue with keeping this place active. Mainly because I hate talking to myself and most of it is already being done by the voices in my head; so frankly I see little to no use of writing it in some online diary, even though that's the foundation on which I made this blog. Screw it, we'll do it live!

What's New..?

Nothing, really.

I haven't watched an Anime in months and I don't know if it's because I'm too lazy to pick one up or too "occupied" with other stuff. I basically spent most of the time playing various games on Steam.. period. I do have to note that it's been 1,5 month since I'm actually back home because I was on vacation in the month(s) of August-September.

I didn't buy as much as last time when I went to Indonesia, but nevertheless my closet rose a bit on the geek-meter. Well, see for yourself..

It's a bit messy because "I haven't had time" to (re)organize it again, and it's a lot of stuff really. The only thing I disliked about the vacation is that I didn't get a chance to pick up the rest of the Black Rock Shooter Nendoroid set. But at least I got Kuroi/BRS and Black Gold Saw, my two favourites. You can't see Shooter  in the picture because she's hiding behind Saw-chan.

Future Plans..

I don't know what I'm going to do with this blog yet.. I might post something every once in a while if there's something worth nothing AND most importantly if I don't forget about it again.

As for certainties.. I'm going to say this: If we make it through this year's month of December.. specifically around the 20-22th day. Or let's just say if we make it to the year 2013 alive and well, I'll vow to once again to oil this machine and see if I can get certain things started. (No, I'm not superstitious.. I think. I'm just.. uhhhh.. open-minded.). Yes.

Until then.. here's a picture of a cute kitty I met on vacation.

~ Ja Ne