Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Kogarasumaru, Kill'Em Dead!

In case the title doesn't ring a bell; I finished watching Air Gear last night and I can in all honesty say that I totally loved it. I briefly read through some reviews before I started watching and noticed that there was a lot of skepticism and negativity about it's content. Though, I have seen much worse negativity around certain other shows.. such as Ragnarok the Animation. But despite of all that I watched it and now it's in my list of "10" rated shows - both shows that is.

I think the thing with Air Gear is.. or in my opinion with any other anime really; you either love it or you hate it. God forgive that we do not share the same taste and characteristics to indiscriminately like everything in this world /sarcasm. ^^;

Anyhow, back to what I was trying to say.. I truly loved it, despite some of it's quirks; but to judge an anime solely on that aspect would be pretty childish.. one has to look beyond it and see the bigger picture. Yeah, I would definitely recommend it to anyone who is up for a different genre besides all those violent action, magical, romance series you see a lot of nowadays. The story overall was okay, some might say it's a bit cliche but I think the well-placed comedy scenes make up for it. The ending however was a bit, umm.. unsatisfying perhaps (as in, left me begging for more). But the upcoming OVA sequel should quell that hunger. There's this guy in the anime, Agito; who says the F-word a lot in a quite comical way. Well that's exactly what I thought and said after I saw the ending x3.

Oh yeah and not to forget, the OST/Soundtracks consist of orgasmic awesomeness. ^~^

Now that I'm done with Air Gear I'll be taking on the rest of Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood; and perhaps/probably take on a few others in the meantime as well. I'll be sure to write an actual review about Air Gear.. ..like all the other; whenever I get some spare time to do so. ~.^

~ Da Ferizo


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