Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Small September Update

Now for a random new blog update regarding the status of business around here.

So I've been watching FMA: Brotherhood the past few days and must say; "So far, so good" and by that I mean the following. Yeah, it's certainly an improvement on it's predecessor though I had my doubts at first. It kicks off the entire prequel in no less than the first 14 episodes after which it starts to follow the Manga-adaptation (according to what I've read) - I wouldn't know because I have not read it. I'm currently around episode 45 or so and am really liking it so far. I'm avoiding any kind of spoilers but I do recall noticing a brief sentence from somewhere saying "the ending was unsatisfying" but I'll just have to see for myself.

In other news, I have been playing Lost Saga for quite a bit again recently. I even got to the point of customizing the guild we have stationed there - meaning it's a probable addition to the Animeshin gaming branch. More of that will have to come later though.

I'm currently looking for another anime to pick up in the meantime preferable of the horror genre. Ghost Hunt was an absolute jewel and I was hoping to find some others. I'm a bit disappointed and frustrated about how people fill in recommendations on MyAnimeList nowadays. Taking Ghost Hunt's recommendations as an example, there are series recommended solely because the tiniest bit of romance in Ghost Hunt resembles the other suggested anime. That's like recommending a harem/ecchi-based anime to an action/horror anime just because the main characters share the same name, even though one of them is female and the other a male. It makes no sense and is a waste of space / misdirection.

But anyway.. aside from my little rant; this concludes the small update. In previous news, Animeshin has received some cosmetic and content updates on MAL due to the new goal we had reached - be sure to check it out. More updates are lurking around the block and will be announced / released as soon as I'll be able to set some things straight around here.

~ Da Ferizo

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Kogarasumaru, Kill'Em Dead!

In case the title doesn't ring a bell; I finished watching Air Gear last night and I can in all honesty say that I totally loved it. I briefly read through some reviews before I started watching and noticed that there was a lot of skepticism and negativity about it's content. Though, I have seen much worse negativity around certain other shows.. such as Ragnarok the Animation. But despite of all that I watched it and now it's in my list of "10" rated shows - both shows that is.

I think the thing with Air Gear is.. or in my opinion with any other anime really; you either love it or you hate it. God forgive that we do not share the same taste and characteristics to indiscriminately like everything in this world /sarcasm. ^^;

Anyhow, back to what I was trying to say.. I truly loved it, despite some of it's quirks; but to judge an anime solely on that aspect would be pretty childish.. one has to look beyond it and see the bigger picture. Yeah, I would definitely recommend it to anyone who is up for a different genre besides all those violent action, magical, romance series you see a lot of nowadays. The story overall was okay, some might say it's a bit cliche but I think the well-placed comedy scenes make up for it. The ending however was a bit, umm.. unsatisfying perhaps (as in, left me begging for more). But the upcoming OVA sequel should quell that hunger. There's this guy in the anime, Agito; who says the F-word a lot in a quite comical way. Well that's exactly what I thought and said after I saw the ending x3.

Oh yeah and not to forget, the OST/Soundtracks consist of orgasmic awesomeness. ^~^

Now that I'm done with Air Gear I'll be taking on the rest of Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood; and perhaps/probably take on a few others in the meantime as well. I'll be sure to write an actual review about Air Gear.. all the other; whenever I get some spare time to do so. ~.^

~ Da Ferizo

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Otaku's Tail

I finally took the time and liberty to customize the layout of my own blog. Design and structure is just a copy from the Animeshin blog; I've only modified the banner and logo, but trust me when I say; it took me a while. Lack of inspiration due to noisy and annoying environment, nyeh.

For those who are unfamiliar with the series, the logo is based on and inspired by Fairy Tail which in my opinion is a must see for anyone who loves a good shounen. It's sort of a mix-up between Soul Eater and One Piece; in both art/animation as well as characteristics. All the more reason to watch it ~.^ I'd say. Anyhow, I'm proud of how the logo turned out especially after adding the little anchor on the "T" and the bridge under the "U" which at first I thought was going to look horrid. Lucky for me, I was wrong. ^^;

Nevertheless, with this new layout set; I can finally start dedicating myself a bit more to this blog. Reviews, Poetry, Fanfics, anything you can think of that is not out of my league; I'll deliver.

Welcome to Ota-ku, my Blog.
~ Da Ferizo

Also check out the Animeshin Blog and or Site for upcoming news and updates regarding the community. A few new updates and tweaks is currently inbound.