Monday, December 5, 2011

>1 Year & Steins Gate

I'm Back..?.. I think..

It has been a while since I last wrote something here, more than one year already.. I guess time really does fly by when you're not paying attention to it. There were times where I have been thinking about returning here and picking up where I left off but I never got to actually put things in motion. Even though things still aren't going that well around here in paradise, I finally came back because of one big reason/inspiration: Steins;Gate.

What is this "new" anime..!?

So yeah, I just finished watching this masterpiece of an anime and to be honest when I first saw the name of the anime I wasn't expecting that much. However after reading the synopsis and finding out the story takes place after the events of Chaos;Head it started to intrigue me and arouse my curiosity. Other than that it was the art/quality of the animation that really appealed to me (from the screenshots I had seen). I suppose a name that is connected with a semi-colon should have gotten me to realize or suspect it had something in common with Chaos;Head but in my defence, the site where I discovered it and got it from had it up as Steins Gate with a space, so yeah.

Anyhow, with the above few aspects in mind I started to get some hopes up for this anime, yet still not expecting too much of it. Because after all, even though I liked Chaos;Head it certainly couldn't match up to my all-time favourite Code Geass or Higurashi. I never would have thought this anime could have knocked those titles off of their rightful thrones..

..It is.. My new #1..!

Out of all the series that I have seen, there were quite a lot that were able to move me, stir me or even brought me to tears. "Then again, It doesn't take that much for anime to 'move' someone like me emotionally - because as a true otaku I gobble these things up like candy, as I like to get involved with the story and characters. ..or maybe that's just me." But nevertheless Steins;Gate probably takes the awesome-cake right here. I don't think I have ever experienced this much emotion from an anime, without counting Naruto because of the unfair amount of episodes.. and even then I don't think it got that intense for me with Naruto.

Steins;Gate managed to bring a smile early in the beginning and even got me to laugh out loud at the quirks and habits of the main characters. A smile which eventually slowly but surely turned into a frown, a sad face and even tears. In my opinion it has all the ingredients for a perfect design in it's genre. An absolutely intriguing theory regarding time travelling and changing one's past/future accompanied by a lot of twists and thrills to keep the viewer on the edge of his/her seat after every episode. The humorous parts early on were (for me) the perfect stage for the story to develop and transition into the Sci-Fi Thriller which earned the honorary place as my new and first #1 favourite anime (before this the #1 place was shared among multiple series).

I might write a full actual review someday, but for now.. ..BAM!

Gomen ne.. Lelouch.. Rika-chan..

Needless to say I totally adore and am deeply fascinated with series that can do that to me. Hence why Higurashi, as a 'mindplay' title was always and still is high up in my favourite list along with all the other similar series.. (and of course Code Geass which was there for it's own reasons). But for now this is how it is and I'm sure this is how it will stay.. ..until of course a new potential challenger appears..

So.. what's next..?

Up-next is an anime of which up to this moment I have only seen one episode of. A title which in spite of all the scepticism and whatnot I have briefly observed looked like a promising series to me. Ao no Exorcist is the name. Again I'm not going to expect too much from it (that way I can't get disappointed) and from what I have seen so far from the first episode, I certainly don't think it will match up to Steins' standards. Nevertheless the animations looked great and the story seemed interesting and actually managed to 'grab' me, so yeah.

I never listened to/followed other people's scepticism and criticism anyway so why would I now..? If I were to address my 'watching behaviour' accordingly to what the majority likes and disregard the series with negative votes - I would have probably turned into a Narutard. There are so many titles which are severely underrated and do not deserve all the negativity, because in the end; "Beauty lies in the eye of the beholder.." da na..?! ^~^

I am not a sheep.. for I am, Ferizo.. Mad Scientist Frantic Idiot "D." Otaku..!

In the meantime whilst I'll be watching Ao no Exorcist, I might update this blog with random posts about the games and/or series I have seen during my >1 year of absence. So until then..

Ja ne.


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