Friday, December 9, 2011


The name as mysterious as it's content..

If not more.. call me oblivious but to me the biggest mystery in this anime was the title they chose for it. Anyhow..! This has got to be the fastest update so far/ever.. ..on this blog. Of course it's not that hard with the small amount of articles and whatnot, but hell.

So I just finished watching this splendid anime, Gosick. With only the last 6 episodes left to watch, it was only natural to watch it through in one go. This one was especially not an exception.. I decided to write a short review right away because it's easier and more relieving to do so when the 'feeling' is still fresh, so let's get to it!

My first impression can easily be explained by how I rushed into this anime right after finishing Ao no Exorcist, without finishing the review first (even though I planned to). Yeah, it's actually that good. It still doesn't match up to Steins;Gate's standards (henceforth called SG) but it's good and kept me on edge in a whole different way.

Storyline & Characters

Okay, I'm going to be honest.. I found most of the mysteries to be rather mediocre when it comes to complexity, whereas I was thinking "Even, I could've solved that.." However! Just because the 'mysteries' didn't consist out of conspiracies, complex chaos theories and whatnot - doesn't mean the storyline suffers because of it, not one bit! The story was rather cute and builds up at a comfortable pace. What kept me really on edge was the sort of 'prophecy' that was revealed halfway which had my dying to see what would happen and how it would all turn out. A single sentence, quite subtly given.. but it captivated me all the way to the end; genius.

The characters were absolutely lovable in my opinion and I honestly wished the best for each and every one of them. Well, at least the majority I guess.. Character development was heart-warming excellent and I for one, couldn't have wished it any other way. Some of the characters were actually so mysterious to keep me questioning which side they were on until the very end.. and that although in certain situations can be frustrating, it is something I can truly admire.

There's one thing however which is really subjective.. you either find it funny, adorable or downright hate it. With this I'm referring to how Kujo ("the male protagonist") has a tendency to shout out the name of Victorique ("the female protagonist") several times.. in a row.. even though sometimes she's right next to him. He also tends to fall into repetition with certain simple phrases and words. I'm used to much worse and it didn't bother me at all.. if anything I thought it was endearing but I can see why some people might dislike it.

Art, Sound & Animation

When the storyline is good enough and progresses in a comfortable way, it kinda lowers the bar for the graphical and sound aspects.. or so I think. If there was any song or sound 'out of tune' with the scene I would have noticed it because it's quite a big factor for that matter. This was actually the least of my worries as I was a lot more into following the storyline. The opening and ending theme fits the anime because it has a rather cute and loving feel to it, like Romeo & Juliet.

Art and animation-wise I thought it to be beautiful and well-put. It didn't had that much special effects or anything, but the genre and setting doesn't require such in the first place. It was good, seamless.. no oddities found on my part. The Victorian theme was a beauty to behold and made it stand out from the usual romance titles which often take place in and around school(s) environments.

The Ending & Conclusion

Once again I'd like to point out how the story captivated me to it's final conclusion. Especially the last two episodes had me clenching my teeth because I just couldn't bear seeing it unravel in an unsatisfying ending. Until finally and fortunately my anxiety was tempered by a high sense of relief. I think I'll leave it with that.

So the final verdict and I can be very short in that: this is definitely one of my favourite kind of anime/genres. Though it didn't stir or drive me to emotional bursts, I truly enjoyed the unravelling of this mystery anime.

Nothing New.. Yet.

Nothing has changed from the plan in my previous post. Going through with Amagami SS now unless I find something more urgent and exciting along the road. "Bla Ba Bla, Yadda Yadda Yadda.. Boku wa.. Kira desu." ^^;

~ Ja Ne.


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